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288.01 Siris WC Ionic Colonies Siris Loomweight c. 575 - 550 ?
288.02 Massalia WC Ionic Colonies Delphi Gravestone c. 500 - 475 ?
288.02a.S464 Massalia WC Ionic Colonies Massalia Coin c. 425-400 ?
288.03 Antipolis WC Ionic Colonies Antipolis Stele c. 450 - 425 ?
288.04 Emporion WC Ionic Colonies Emporion Sherd 6th and 5th centuries
288.05 Emporion WC Ionic Colonies Emporion Curse-scroll (?) 5th c. ?
288.A.S464 Emporion WC Ionic Colonies Emporion Letter ? c. 500
288.B.S464 Emporion WC Ionic Colonies Emporion Letter c. 500 ?
288.C.S464 Emporion WC Ionic Colonies Emporion Sheet 500 - 450 ?
288.D.S464 Hyele (Velia) WC Ionic Colonies Huelva Vase c. 550
288.06 Hyele (Velia) WC Ionic Colonies Hyele Coin c. 490 - 480 onwards
288.06a.S464 Hyele (Velia) WC Ionic Colonies Hyele Cippus Later fifth century
288.E.S464 Hyele (Velia) WC Ionic Colonies Hyele Cippus 500 - 450 ?
288.07 Thourioi WC Ionic Colonies Thourioi Coin c. 443 onwards
288.08 Thourioi WC Ionic Colonies Brentesion Herald's staff c. 443 - 433 ?
288.09.S464 Thourioi WC Ionic Colonies Thourioi Gravestone c. 450
288.Add1.376 Siris WC Ionic Colonies Metapontion Plaque c. 475 ?
288.Add2.376 Massalia WC Ionic Colonies Delphi Architectural element late 6th c.